
گفتگویی داشتم با آقای David Bejarano رئیس پلیس شهر Chula vista یکی از مناطق شهر سن دیه گو، ناگفته نماند که ایشان قبلا چند سال به سمت رئیس پلیس شهر سن دیه گو خدمات ارزنده ای را به این شهر و مردم شهر سن دیه گو ارائه داده است و سپس President George Bush او را به سمت مارشال U.S.A برگزید و چند سال در این مقام خدمت کرده و سپس مجددا ایشان سمت رئیس پلیس شهر Chula Vista را قبول کرده و هم اکنون علاوه بر این مقام از طرف فرماندار کالیفرنیا Jerry Brown به سمت The California Board of State and Community Corrections نظارت کامل بر زندانهای کالیفرنیا را زیرنظر دارد.
فرماندار به تازگی مسئولیت های دیگری را به او محول کرده اند مثل President for the California Police Chief Association که شامل 1500 رئیس پلیس کالیفرنیا است مشغول انجام وظیفه میباشد. علت محول کردن این همه مشاغل جدیت درکار و درستکاری او میباشد. آقای Bejarano مقامات گوناگونی را دارا می باشد که در آینده نه چندان دور به درمجله جوانان به نظر شما خواهیم رساند. ایشان خدمات ارزنده ای را نثار مردم سن دیه گو و کالیفرنیا و امریکا کرده و حدود چهل سال است که در مقامهای مهم امنیتی مشغول کار بوده. خدمات ارزنده و سازنده این مرد بزرگ قابل ستایش و قدردانی است و وجود همین شخصیت ها در این آب و خاک که میلیونها اسلحه در دست جنایتکاران است و ما در امن و امان به زندگی خود ادامه میدهی مقابل ستایش است. چند سئوال در رابطه شغلی او با ایشان در میان گذاشتم که از اینقرار است:
س: ممکن است راجع به تحصیلات خود مارا در جریان بگذارید؟
ج: من فوق لیسانس مدیریت MBA و چندین مدرک مربوط به شغل های گوناگون دارا می باشم.
س: ممکن است راجع به خدماتی که به شهر سن دیه گو و امریکا عرضه کرده اید اشاره بفرمائید؟
ج: من در ارتش امریکا، رئیس پلیس شهر سن دیه گو برای مدت چهارسال، مارشال امریکا، و رئیس خدمات امنیتی و بسیاری دیگر خدمت کرده ام.
س: همانطور که میدانیم U.S. Marshal یک مقام بسیار مهم و پر اهمیت میباشد چطور این مقام را به دست آوردید؟
ج: توسط رئیس جمهور آقای جورج بوش George Bush
س: در چه سالی کار خدماتی خود را آغاز نمودید؟
ج: در سال 1975 در ارتش امریکا
س: چه تاریخی کار خود را در اداره پلیس آغاز کردید؟
ج: در سال 1979
David Bejarano تعداد زیادی تقدیرنامه از شخصیت های مهم از جمله رئیس جمهور امریکا دریافت نموده است. در خاتمه از او تشکر کردم و از طرف مجله جوانان آرزوی موفقیت بیشتری برای او آرزو کردم. او هم از من بعنوان دوست، از آقای مهدی ذکایی و نویسندگان و کارکنان مجله جوانان تشکر کردند.



By: Dr. Reza Fadaei-San Diego editor

Recently I had the distinct pleasure of an exclusive interview with Police Chief David Bejarano. In fact, throughout his career, Bejarano has been recognized as a team builder and a topnotch organizational strategist.
To serve and protect is the police motto, but some officers live by it more than others; that is what David Bejarano has done. He is an exceptional police officer who has always done above and beyond the call of duty to save lives, keep our communities safe, and generally uphold the law.
A month ago, on August 26 2015, the Chula Vista Chief of Police, was appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown, to the California Board of State and Community Corrections. This uncompensated position requires state confirmation to serve for a three year period. This platform will offer Bejarano, the opportunity to be part of a 13 member board, with the main objective to oversee not only the adult, but the juvenile criminal justice system. Under the board’s leadership, the program aims to develop new local and state policies for the detention institutions; an endeavor supported by a yearly multi-million dollar public safety grant funding. His vision for this program is aligned with his leadership attribute such as integrity, to find the best possible practices to insure the budget allocate funds to alleviate prison and jail conditions and to create rehabilitation treatment programs for those non-violent and non-serious offenders. Based on his educational background Business Administration graduate- and vast previous experience working with substantial budgets, Bejarano makes a perfect fit as a member of the board.
David Bejarano’s leadership, credibility, trust, honesty and integrity, have left an indelible record through his entire career as a: US Marine, Chief of the San Diego Police Department for 4 years (1999- 2003), U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of California from 2003 – 2005, president of the Presidential Security Services for a 4 year term from (2005 – 2009), to mention a few. At 58 years of age, Bejarano has served for 37 years as a public servant.
In addition, David Bejarano, serves as the president for the California Police Chiefs Association, which fosters over 1500 active and retired municipal California Police Chiefs, who are responsible for overseeing the operations of 329 police departments statewide, and for providing first line law enforcement to a population of over 26 million California residents. Leading the association as President, makes him a true 21st century visionary and innovator. His clear end point is to provide the best service to the community, lead change, has lead him to create effective partnerships with academic social researchers, technical companies- Motorola, IBM, American Military University-integrating all resources and skills to create contemporary tools to better serve our everlasting dynamic changing communities. The strategic partnerships serves as a platform to provide its members with technical webinars at no cost, provide leadership events for women in law enforcement and provide first hand insight to state of the art technical research and emerging trends, impacting the organization’s members and the communities in general. I asked him several questions as the following:
Q. What is your educational background?
A, Business Administration (BA) and many professional certifications related to job.
Q. Would please tell me about your background and services to the San Diego and .S.A.?
A. U.S.Marine, Chief of the San Diego Police Department for four years, U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of California, President of the Presidential Security Services, serving as the President for the California Police Chief Association, which fosters over 1500 active and retired municipal California Police Chiefs, who are responsible for overseeing the operations of 329 Police departments State Wide, and for providing first line law enforcement to a population of over 26 million California residents.
Q. As we know position of U.S. Marshal, it is top job. How did you get this position?
A. Appointed by the President of the United States (President George Bush) and confirmation by the U.S. Senate.
Q. When did you begin your career in the Police Service?
A. When I joined the San Diego Police Department in 1979.
Q. When did you join the San Diego Police Department as a sworn officer?
A. In 1979
Chief David Bejarano has received numerous Awards, Commendations andappointments throughout his Public services career.
There are many adjectives to describe David Bejarano’s endless contributions to society, but one defines him the best: Honorable, visionary police executive, a true community leader of the 21st century.
Thank you Chief Bejarano. On behalf of the Javanan International Weekly Magazine, we would like to express the best wishes to you and your families.He concluded the interview by expressing his thanks to me for our friendly relationship and asked that I extend his thanks to Mr. Mehdi Zokaei Executive Editor and staff of Javanan Weekly International Magazine.