شهلا درريز طراح معروف
پيشتاز در امور انساني و حركت هاي خيريه


شهلا درريز طراح معروف كه اخيرا طرحهايش به تن ستارگان نامدار هاليوود ميرود و در فستيوال هاي جهاني،  از اسكار،  گلدن گلوب تا كن و نيس و ونيز مي‌درخشد هميشه در حركت هاي انساني و امور خيريه نيز پيشگام است، از جمله فشن شوي تازه اي كه با الكساندر درريز طراح جوان و عكاس هنرمند در بورلي هيلز با همكاري نشريه بورلي هيلز برگزار كرد. نكته جالب اينكه مدلهايش چهرههاي نامداري چون ميشل برك تهيه كننده و كارگردان و بازيگر معروف هاليوود بود


The Beverly Hills
Times magazine Fashion show

On June 6, 2012, The Beverly Hills Times magazine presented its Summer Spectacular—Haute Blondes, Brunettes and Redheads—LA’s Hottest Runway Fashion Show. More than 600 guests enjoyed a spectacular evening under the stars and above city lights on the beautiful Garden Terrace, at the Montage Beverly Hills, in Beverly Hills, California.  Straight off Cannes Film Festival Red Carpets and international fashion runways, more than 45 models walked in couture from celebrity designer Shahla Dorriz and The Alexandre. Suzanne Takowsky, founder of the magazine said, “We are supporting our internationally recognized fashion designers by showcasing their spectacular talents and flair for making our city the design envy of the world.” Celebrities and hundreds of social, entertainment, sports and business VIPS were on hand to cheer the glamorous models as they strutted the runway in unforgettable designs—many will appear at upcoming Emmy Red Carpet events.
