
Leading the way in an emerging group of talented, business savvy female entrepreneurs who are stepping up as today’s commercial success stories is Hashemizadeh, owner and founder of South Pacific Surgery Centers and several other enterprises.  

 Hashemizadeh  has her hands full 24/7 with the daily grind of business expansion and day-to-day of decision making, and marketing and public relations, but still finds time in her hectic schedule for supporting not only her Simin Hope Foundation, but hundreds of other worthy causes, in her inimitable “hands on” approach.
When we google Simin Hashemizadeh, we see lots of beautiful pictures.
“Pictures are a positive enforcement and should reflect the inner you. I always try to look my best. It is about respect for yourself and for others. I find that it helps me in everything I do to feel good about yourself.
Last Saturday in downtown two of my homeless friends wanted their picture taken, I respected them. I am on first name terms with most of them.”

Most of us feel intimidated by people begging or living on the street. Do you ever get frightened, as woman on your own?
“First and foremost, there’s more danger from interactions in the business community than being on the street. Honestly I am a business woman and Iranian. I feel protected not only by my sense of surroundings, but also by God and the people on the streets themselves, because I am their friend! Their worlds crumbled away and their worldly possessions now consist of little more than a couple of plastic bags and a shopping cart. Their existence on the street is ignored by most of us and the problem is left unaddressed by our city leaders. It is left to the handful of charities like St. Francis Center and Simin Hope Foundation to help.

You mentioned being Iranian. Do you consider that you are American or Iranian?
“I am both. The United States gave me a wonderful chance and opportunity. I love my adopted country, but I am cosmopolitan- I feel that everywhere in the world I have lived has left its mark on me and I am proud to have been born Iranian.

You help lots of people here in Los Angeles, how do you help those back in Iran?
“I did, I currently do and I will continue in the future.”

What does your family think of all your charitable work?
“My family means the world to me. They say charity begins at home and I believe that. They are supportive of all I do, they are always present at my events and fundraising and they assist in many other ways too.
Last weekend, Simin Hope Foundation assisted in sending 44 children from the inner city off on a summer camp. My brother Houshyar and my sister Parivash came with me to help. The rest of my close family, Parvin and Mina help in other ways. Most important my mom prays for me and sends me off with a smile. Of course I get my energy from my dad, watching over me.


Simin Hope Foundation, is your personal charity. Who else has had your support recently?
“Yes, a lot of my effort is for Simin Hope, interestingly the street I spend most time in with the homeless is called Hope St! Another charity I am connected with and serve on the board is Let The Kids Grow Foundation, an education enterprise which was set up a few years ago now by media mogul, Percy Miller. He and I share the same view that something is only worth doing if it emanates from your heart. He does so much that is never reported on in the press and I’m the same. What you read is only half the story. There are many other worthy causes, American and Iranian.

One of the biggest events you have been involved in hosting happened last month at Paramount Studios?
“Yes that was a huge success!  Big celebrities were in attendance like, Andrea Bocelli, David Foster, Percy Miller and Romeo Miller, Priscilla Presley and many more famous names from the world of film, TV and fashion.

What motivates you to do all this?
“This is in my blood, I have always the urge to help others, even as a small child I shared my pocket money with people around who had none. It is not all about money, it’s assistance given in many ways, connections, employment, food, clothing and sometimes just advice and an ear to listen to problems. When I visit the homeless on skid row in Los Angeles, I am amazed that people rarely ask me for any money, they would rather talk and tell their life story and I am happy to listen. It is appalling that many of these are intelligent individuals who for various reasons have lost everything.

I can assimilate to this because our family lost everything when we left Iran. I came to America with nothing except the will to achieve something, face problems head on and and work hard. My guide throughout all this was God and on earth my mentor was my late father.

What about the near future? Do you have any new projects?
“I have many projects, both business and philanthropic. If anyone wants to help me they are welcome to join me. It is about perseverance, never, never, never give up! Whatever you wish for, if you really desire it, it will come to you!

For more information on how to get involved and donate to Simin’s foundation, visit siminhopefoundation.com