“Love has no borders and therein lies the premise of the hilarious, new Iranian-American romantic comedy “Shirin in Love.” Nazanin Boniadi plays Shirin, an absent-minded, young Iranian-American living in “Tehrangeles” with her overbearing mother and empathetic father. Despite being engaged for years to a successful Iranian plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, Shirin finds herself breaking loyalty and tradition when she falls in love with a mysterious young man.As her secret unravels and cultures clash, Shirin discovers what it ultimately means to be true to herself.”
The following is a portion of an interview with Ramin Niami on Masappeal Show on Javanan Radio, visit Javanan.com to find out when the full show will be aired.
Masa Zokaei: We are very excited to talk to you about this film, in fact before you came in I saw the trailer being shared on Facebook and it looks like a sweet love story.
What was it like working with these actors, were they actors you had been wanting for your film?
Ramin Niami: Yeah, I was really lucky I got the actors that I wanted.
The minute I met Nazanin, I knew she was Shirin. She is the perfect Shirin. And Shirin means sweet in Farsi and she is very sweet. From there I contacted everyone, I contacted Maz, and Max Amini is in the film and Marshal Manesh who has done over 200 television shows.
The one that was a surprise was Anahita Khalatbari, because I wanted a mom and she is the villain in the film. I just couldn’t find the right person, and when Anahita came in and read, I knew she was the right person for it. And this is her first film.
Comedian Geroge Wallace and Academy Award nominated actress Amy Madigan are also great actors and play in this film. I think everyone who came to be a part of the film is because of the message in the film. It’s a human film.
Andy and Shani, as well as Black Cats, who contribute to the soundtrack are also in the film. The music of actor Riley Smith, who also has a rock band, their music was in the film.
I really tried to balance in the cast and music with Iranians and Americans to make it truly an Iranian-American film.
Masa: Can you tell us what the film is about and the message you wanted to convey with it?
Ramin: The film is about a young, educated woman. She went to law school but wants to be a writer. Her mother has a fashion magazine and her dad is a retired university professor and she is engaged to the character played by Maz Jobrani, a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, and basically everything is set until she meets an American writer who lives in a lighthouse in northern California. That’s where the conflict starts- follow your heart or what your parents want to do?
It is really about love that has no borders, about two communities and also have some fun, because Maz Jobrani and Max Amini are in it, of course.
Masa: You’ll be screening this film at a special red carpet event in Hollywood?
Ramin: The Premiere Screening Party is on March 11, 2014, at Avalon Hollywood. My request to the club was that there be a student discount and also, because my daughter is 20 and can’t really go to clubs, and I wanted kids like her to be able to come to the event so it is 18 and over. I know college students like the actors in the film and would want to attend. Andy, Shani, Black Cats, and Life of Riley will be playing live at the event.
Masa: And the film premiers March 14 in Los Angeles?
Ramin: Starting March 14, the he film is going to be at a lot of AMC Theaters and you can visit ShirinInLove.com to see the whole schedule. The film is playing in cities around the U.S.
Listen to the rest of this interview with Ramin Niami on Javanan Radio at www.javanan.com , click Listen Live.
Shirin in Love plays in various cities starting March 14:
Friday, March 14,LOS ANGELES: AMC Burbank 8 – Laemmle Music Hall (Beverly Hills) – Laemmle Town Center (Encino),ORANGE COUNTY: AMC Block Orange 30 – OC Irvine Regal Edward West Park, SAN DIEGO: Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15, NEW YORK: AMC Empire in NYC (Times Square),
Visit www.shirininlove.com for the full schedule.
Shirin in love is an Iranian-American romantic comedy featuring Nazanin Boniado, Maz Jobrani, Riley Smith, George Wallace, Anahita Khalatbari, Marshall Manesh, Amy Madigan, and Max Amini.