

Prynce P:  For those who don’t know you, could you introduce yourself?
K-von:   I am K-von, which translates to “The God of Saturn”.  And my last name is Moezzi, which we know in farsi, ‘moez’ means ‘banana’.

Prynce P:  You just completed your new 1-Hour Comedy Special “Tanx God!”  Can you tell me about it?
K-von:   After my Nowruz Tour last year, it was time to film my 1-hour special.  We sold-out a large comedy club in Orange County (home of the rich Persians).  I then changed the set to include a chandelier, expensive Persian rug, and over the top decorative chair so they all felt right at home.  Also, when you watch the special you’ll see all ethnicities and age groups from 8 to 88 years old.  The theme of this special targets my cultural background in a funny positive way.  Not many comedians have a dad from the Middle-East and a mom from Middle-America so there were plenty of jokes to be made. 
Prynce P: Why did you name it “Tanx God”?
K-von:  It is something funny that is said by all of the family members on my father’s side.  After touring for over a year, people would constantly contact me online and say, “When are you coming back, all my friends have been saying Tanx God! Since you left.  It just made sense to call the whole special that.


Prynce P:  And why an all ages show?
K-von: Something funny about Middle Eastern people, when there is a show, they bring ALL their kids, even if you tell them they aren’t allowed to! Over the years I had to adjust for all these smiling young faces in the crowd.  I am just proud to have a comedy special that you can watch with your grandmother in the room and not cringe every 20 seconds.  Not many comedy albums like that are available anymore.  Of course the next one I’m working on may not be appropriate for that!

Prynce P: Were you always into comedy growing up?
K-von: Absolutely.  I couldn’t get enough of it.  I would watch funny things on Saturday Night Live or David Letterman and disrupt the people sitting next to me in class the next day telling them about it. 

Prynce P:  I am a big fan of MazJobrani who is also a good friend of mine, how did you link up with him?  Are you in his new movie “Jimmy Vestvood?
K-von:  Maz was nice enough to take me on tour for a few years and introduce me to new audiences all over the world.  I am forever grateful.  He also put me in his new movie, which was a cool role that I had to train a little bit for and very fun to film.  Look for it sometime next year.

Prynce P:  I read that you were on MTV’s hit show “Disaster Date,” describe your experience from the show.
K-von:  I was paid to make girls upset on dates.  Something that until that point I was always doing for free!  My goal was to see how long they would sit there on a “date”before getting offended and running off.  Then when they got to the door all the camera people popped out of hiding and I would announce “you are on DISASTER DATE!”  To describe it in two words:  ‘Dream Job’.


Prynce P:  What are some upcoming projects that you have?
K-von:  I am working on a new hour of standup comedy that does not deal with any Middle Eastern issues, but more mainstream standup topics.  And finally, I’m working around the clock on a big documentary we filmed which goes into all the amazing aspects of NOWRUZ.  The viewer will learn about it through the eyes of a half-Persian comedian.  It is one-part educational one-part entertaining and 100% funny! Stay tuned (approx. release date Jan 1, 2015)

Prynce P:How can the fans support you? Do you have an official website? Tour dates?
K-von:  I would love it if everyone picked up a copy of “TANX GOD!” on my websitewww.K-vonComedy. Since it just came out, it’s the perfect unique holiday gift to give your rich uncle who already has everything!  Also, if you mention this article, it comes with 3 free tix to my next show.  (showdates& times = on the website & www.facebook.com/KvonComedy)
Prynce P: K-Von, as always, thank you for taking the time to interview with me.  I can’t wait until I watch Tanx God and get a “6 pack” without hitting the gym.  I wish you the best brother! 
